
AI Tools Workshop

Learn to use Free AI tools for your contents
Joining Fee Just Rs 149 INR
Date : 24.04.2024 (8 PM to 9PM)

Single Payment ..
Hurry up limited time offer..
Date :24.04.2024(8PM To 9PM)

Learn the skills in your mother tongue(Malayalam/Tamil)

About Course Author

Hi there!  Welcome to the AI Tools Workshop hosted by Vollmond Academy! I’m Sabeetha, your dedicated instructor and video content executive here at Vollmond Academy. I’m thrilled to guide you through this immersive workshop about Ai tools.
As your instructor, my role is to ensure that you not only grasp the fundamentals of AI tools but also learn practical applications that you can implement immediately. From understanding the latest advancements to hands-on exercises, I’m committed to making this workshop engaging, insightful, and above all, valuable for your professional journey.
Join me on this transformative learning adventure, where we’ll explore the vast potential of AI tools together. Let’s unlock innovation, enhance skills, and pave the way for a future powered by knowledge and creativity.
Ready to dive in? Secure your spot today and embark on this exciting journey with me! 

How you enroll ?
How to learn ?
How you get certificates ?

Step 1 Once you done your payment you will get workshop register page

Step 2 you will get the confirmation mail once you finish your registration

Step 2 You can join the workshop directly through your email

Step2 you will get the participations certificates

What will you learn ?

What our students say about us ?


Sabeetha, your dedicated instructor and video content executive here at Vollmond Academy

Once you finish your payment you will get the registration link

You don’t need to worry our service center officer will help you through whatsapp 

You have separate QA session in all topics in our Instructor will clarify your doubts

Why Choose Us?

We are providing all placement related professional trainings as full process curriculum We provide students.So vollmond Academy is a best choice to choose to learn courses online.

Our Other Courses

Vollmond Academy is one of the best institute in learn digital marketing in Malayalam, Photoshop in malayalam, Adobe illustrator in Malayalam, webdesign or WordPress course in malayalam. and other part we are handling all of this courses in tamil also. Example : digital marketing, Photoshop, adobe illustrator, webdesign and python full course with practical in tamil 

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